Masarykov dvor - Kaviareň / Bar
Masarykov dvor - Kaviareň / Bar
Ak chcete hodnotiť a recenzovať musíte sa prihlásiť

Celkové hodnotenie

Hodnotilo 4 používateľov


“Zastavili sme sa na jedlo ma ceste z východu na západ. Prostredie veľmi pekné, moderné a vynovené. Halušky, pirohy aj šaláty boli výborné. Určite odporúčam.”
miso 08.11.2016
“Boli sme na Romantickom zájazde a bolo neskutočne, vynovený areál, novo zariadený hotel, perfektne vybavená izba, ochotný a milý personál a najlepšie wellness v akom som bol :) Odporúčam všetkým, a kupujem zájazd aj rodine, Ďakujem. ”
Matt 08.11.2016
“Príjemné prostredie reštaurácie, pekné ihrisko pre deti, ktoré sa môžu povoziť aj na koni. ”
slavomir 08.11.2016
“ My wife and I stayed at this a new 3-star hotel (and not a B&B!) for 3 days, while visiting the area, and the forests that are on UNESCO's list of World Heritage. The place has been fully renovated and opened a few months ago. It's rather a resort, with a playground for children, horseback riding, indoor pool, spa (which were not yet open at the time of our stay), etc. The rooms are large and comfortable, although simple, with AC; the rooms on the back are very quiet; the bed is firm, but not too much. We had breakfasts and diners mostly at the restaurant of the hotel. The food is plentiful, with local products, and enjoyable. The staff is friendly and helpful, but still on the "learning curve", and the English is limited. The price is very reasonable. I would definitely go back if I am in that area. ”
Fificus J 16.10.2015